Why did you become an artist?
That is actually a pretty tough question. I would say I became an artist because there is nothing else I would rather do and I have been incredibly lucky with my art career so far. I would say it is destiny in a way.
What is your earliest memory involving art?
My earliest memory is drawing, and then coloring, a bay horse when I was three or four at Mary Margaret’s Daycare. Looking back on it, it looked nothing like a horse.
When and Where do you do your best work?
I create my best work in my apartment in the early afternoon.
Which artists give you the most inspiration?
I am very inspired by John James Audubon, Walton Ford, Christina Mrozik, Mucha and Petah Coyne. That is only naming a few.
Decay and Decomposition are present in your work but it is so beautiful it no longer seems tragic; Share your thoughts on these themes.
I see the decay as a cleansing of the soul and my attempt to address my fear of death or my fear of becoming nothing. In reality, death in nature is just a way of donating our bodies back to the earth. It rebuilds and grows in other organisms. I try to portray this in my work as a comfort. I have many reasons. All I know is that I never wanted the decay to be upsetting, but rather beautiful.
How do you develop the composition of your work?
I tend to just “go with the flow”. I hardly ever sketch. I just begin a drawing and see where it goes from there. Because of this, every now and then, a composition comes out terribly, but that’s part of the fun of it.
Share something interesting about nature that has caught your attention or fascination.
Just how fragile it is and how much each organism needs others to survive. It is terrifying how quickly the smallest change to an ecosystem can destroy it completely.
In five years your art will…
Hopefully be making me a somewhat steady income haha.
You get to be a plant or animal for 24 hours. Which do you choose to be?
A spoiled house cat. Air conditioning, a bed, free food, all the toys you could ever want, and cat nip?! That’s the life.
What advice would you give an artist today?
Practice being disciplined with your art. Learn how to work on it after school or after your job. You must keep working. I know way too many talented artists who do not make new art on a regular basis and it hurts their future careers. New work is what you need to have a portfolio that shines when you approach galleries or jobs.
Any final thoughts, shout outs, interview nominations, or memes?
I want to say thank you for interviewing me. It means a lot.