Cranky Yellow is an art and media project founded in 2005 by artist David Wolk. We curate exhibitions, produce music shows, collect toys, and promote the arts in Saint Louis, MO and beyond.
Cranky Yellow the band is David Wolk and Nick James.
Press //
11.08.22 Meet David Wolk / Canvas Rebel
12.19.16 Five Monday morning slices of music / Organ Thing
12.14.16 David Wolk’s Cranky Yellow Takes New Form with Songs and Music Videos / Riverfront Times
3.24.16 A Look Inside Cranky Yellow/The Upcycle Exchange On Cherokee Street / Alive Magazine
9.15.15 Strange Folk Festival To Fill Union Station With 200 Makers / Alive Magazine
6.2.14 Notes from the Fringe part 2: Foster and Fortitude / Snoops Theatre Thoughts
7.15.13 This Saturday David Wolk Unfolds as Charm Ape. / Wrong Division
8.16.12 / Talking to David Wolk of Cranky Yellow / St Louis Magazine
12.01.11 / Cranky and Relieved: Cranky Yellow a Few Months Later / Chase Marci
09.15.11 / Cranky Yellow is Closing for Good / Riverfront Times
07.24.11 / Cranky Closed For Now / Chase Marci
07.05.11 / Cranky Yellow Closes It’s Doors — For Now / Riverfront Times
06.02.11 / CJ Boyd at Cranky Yellow / Riverfront Times
05.10.11 / So Many Dynamo’s Cinco de Mayo Set / Riverfront Times
04.01.11 / Cherokee Street Defines Eclectic / St Louis Magazine
03.17.11 / Cranky Yellow Quaffs Bitter Bureaucracy / Show-Me Daily
03.16.11 / Cranky Yellow, Cherokee Street Oddity Emporium, Tries to Fight City Hall / Riverfront Times
02.17.11 / Crankfest 2011 Takes Place this Weekend at Cranky Yellow / Riverfront Times
01.28.11 / The Acro-Cat Circus is Coming to Town! / St Louis Magazine
01.27.11 / Point & Clique Awards: Best Use of Facebook to Promote a Business / Riverfront Times
01.24.11 / The Bengsons at Cranky Yellow / Riverfront Times
08.18.10 / Fishin’ for Goodies / Riverfront Times
07.13.10 / Cranky Yellow / KSDK Channel 5
07.07.10 / Come Once, Leave Happy / Riverfront Times
03.19.10 / Cranky Yellow: Shows, Crafts and Art in the City / Student Life
??.??.10 / Best of St. Louis – Best Junk Store / Riverfront Times
09.28.09 / Cherokee Street Gallery Owners Create Social Networking Site for Artists / Riverfront Times
09.19.09 / Featured Review: Meth and Hot Dogs / Riverfront Times
09.16.09 / Cranky Yellow / Corridor40
09.11.09 / Pretty Much the Coolest Place in St. Louis- Cranky Yellow / Eyeluv
08.07.09 / Meet Claude, The Loveable Bigfoot / Girls Guide to the Galaxy
08.06.09 / Meth and Hotdogs at Cranky Yellow / Corridor40
04.22.09 / The (Cat) Circus Comes to Town / Riverfront Times
04.15.09 / Paws for a Cause / Riverfront Times
04.02.09 / Cranky Yellow Grand Re-Opening Celebration / Art Patrol
04.01.09 / St. Louis Artist Space Cranky Yellow is Actually Quite Pleasant / Toasted Rav
09.25.08 / Cranky Yellow Owner makes Quirk, not cash / St. Louis Beacon
09.01.08 / Crammed Organisms / FiberArts Magazine
12.08.08 / Wounded Bird: Revamped Vintage / Student Life
08.27.08 / Jason Spencer: Depleted Uranium at Cranky Yellow / Art Patrol
08.26.08 / Zombies Invade Cranky Yellow / 52nd City
06.24.08 / Exhibit looks at the plush side of life / St. Louis Post Dispatch
06.15.08 / Plushie Galore / VenusZine
06.11.08 / Not Your Mother’s Plush / St. Louis Beacon
06.04.08 / Plush Proliferation / Riverfront Times
06.01.08 / The Stuff of Madness / St. Louis Magazine
01.30.08 / The Well-Crafted “I Love You” / Riverfront Times