The Gallery at RAC Presents
Empire State II
Join us at the opening reception on Friday, salve March 6th from 5:30 – 7:30pm, and at our gallery talk on March 13th. There will be a short reception at 5:30pm, and the artists will begin speaking at 6:00pm.
The Regional Arts Commission (RAC) presents Empire State II, the second in a series of exhibitions curated by Damon Davis. Empire State II is a group exhibition that explores the American empire and its capitalist culture. This exhibit will investigate the concepts of social structures, racial oppression and classism.
Join us at the opening reception on Friday, March 6th from 5:30 – 7:30pm, and at our gallery talk on Friday 13, March. There will be a short reception at 5:30pm and the artists will begin speaking at 6:00pm.
See the RAC gallery Page for more information.
ARTISTS: Kevin McCoy, Stan Chisholm, Damon Davis, Christopher Burch, Lenard Blair
CURATOR: Damon Davis
Opening Reception:
Friday, March 6th, 5:30 – 7:30pm
Gallery Talk: Friday, March 13, reception at 5:30, gallery talk begins at 6:00pm.
Empire State II continues through April 11th.
Monday through Friday from 10am – 5pm;
Saturday and Sunday 12 – 5pm.
All events are free and open to the public.
LOCATION: The Gallery at the Regional Arts Commission (RAC)
6128 Delmar Blvd. 63112 (across from The Pageant)
Free parking behind The Pageant or metered street parking