Via Zack Smithey :
“Fellow artists…
Imagine making 2.75 pieces of art per day for 365 days straight…. 1,000 pieces total.
Now imagine making 1,000 pieces in just 2.5 months. And when you finish the art you give it all away. I’ve never done anything like this. It’s been an extreme and interesting challenge. The Easter Art Hunt starts in 3 weeks. Get ready to find some art STL. Thanks for your support!
Stay tuned for updates and clues about where to find the art.
A few fun facts about the project:
*1000 pieces, each piece completely original
*approx. 10,000 min. (166.66 hours) in prepping and priming alone, does not include actual painting time.
*sizes range from 12″x 12″ to 32″x 48″
*Approx. 864,000 square inches of paintings total
*If all of the paintings were lined up in a row they would stretch half of a mile or more than twice as high as the Empire State Building
*Material costs – conservative estimate $10,000 – time not included
*100 pieces per day for 7 days dispersed all over STL
*The finale – the remaining 300 pieces hidden all over Delmar the day before Easter, both inside of businesses and outside.”